Hello, I'm
Lauren Venosta
Practicing a food-as-medicine approach, she helps her clients utilize the healing powers of food to nourish their bodies. With nutrition counseling and custom meal plans, her clients experience results that last for the long-term. No crash dieting or feeling deprived, her programs focus on building healthy lifestyle habits and incorporating whole foods. She works with clients all over the country via online counseling and has helped hundreds of people break through their health struggles to live their best life possible.


10 High-Nutrient Leafy Greens That Aren’t Kale
Kale gets a lot of press for good reason. Studies have found that it’s packed with nutrients like beta-carotene and vitamin C, and it’s also high in fiber. Kale quickly became the king of greens becau …
Lauren Venosta
Avoid These 7 Foods to Reduce Bloating
Bloating is a build-up of gas in the digestive system, which can make your stomach bulge. Bloating is uncomfortable and painful; it’s that bowling-ball-in-the-stomach feeling.Sometimes bloating feels …
Lauren Venosta
7 Foods to Help You Focus
Nutrition plays a large role in your overall energy as well as the ability to focus and think with a clear mind. How much more could you accomplish in a day if your mind was consistently sharp and cou …
Lauren Venosta
10 Plant-Based Protein Sources for Vegans
Vegans don’t consume any products that come from an animal-based source or animal protein. All macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fat are only consumed through plant-based sources—which c …
Lauren Venosta
7 Common Myths of Healthy Eating
Eating healthy is expensive. Healthy food doesn’t taste good. You won’t get enough calcium if you don’t consume dairy products.Have you heard those statements before? Or maybe you’ve said those things …
Lauren Venosta
How to Live a Healthy Life with Celiac Disease
You may have heard about celiac disease more often in recent years due to the rise in gluten-free diets and the growing availability of gluten-free products. But what is celiac disease?Celiac disease …
Lauren Venosta
Electrolytes: The Hidden Key to Summer Hydration
Staying hydrated is key to many functions in the human body, and in summer heat, it can be difficult to maintain your hydration. One of the largest roles that water plays in the body is regulating int …
Lauren Venosta
5 High-Fiber Recipes to Cleanse Your Digestive Tract
Most people know eating fiber is important. But what does that even mean? Why fiber? What is it and what role does it play in your health?Fiber comes in two different types: Soluble: It is just as it …
Lauren Venosta
6 Ingredients That Aren’t as Healthy As You May Think
When looking at a nutrition label, most people think it’s important to look at the calories, fats, sugars, etc. However, the ingredients are just as important as anything else on the nutrition label. …
Lauren Venosta
Smoothies vs. Juices: Which Is Better?
In the heat of summer, there is nothing more refreshing than a big smoothie or a glass of fresh juice. But are smoothies and juices actually healthy? When it comes to your health, which is better?The …
Lauren Venosta
5 Health Benefits of Quinoa
Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is known as an ancient Andean grain, but it’s not a grain—it’s a seed! Quinoa seeds originated and is cultivated in South America along the Andes mountains. It comes fro …
Lauren Venosta
Which Foods Lower Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is a term most people are familiar with, but what exactly is it? Blood pressure is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the pressure of the blood circulating through your vessels. Simple, …
Lauren Venosta
5 Dinner Recipes with 9 Ingredients or Less
Convenience is key when it comes to cooking. Between work, family, school, exercise, obligations—life just gets busy! Not everyone has time to spend hours slaving over the stove every night after work …
Lauren Venosta
Spirulina: The Superfood for Energy
Have you heard of spirulina? Don’t be surprised if you haven’t! It’s not a food that is commonly found in the standard American diet. However, it’s incredibly nutrient-dense, which means it provides a …
Lauren Venosta
6 Nutrient-Packed Fall Vegetables
When summer turns to fall, it’s more than just a weather change. Although the days get shorter and the nights get colder, the freshest produce changes, too! Many vegetables that aren’t in season durin …
Lauren Venosta
7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Spices to Include in Your Diet
Why do you need to know about anti-inflammatory foods and spices? Evidence shows that chronic inflammation is at the root of many different diseases—from a simple sinus infection to cancer. If inflamm …
Lauren Venosta
5 High-Sodium Foods to Avoid Today
Consuming too much sodium is not ideal for a healthy diet. But with the foods that make up the standard American diet (SAD), many people consume too much sodium every day. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidel …
Lauren Venosta
5 Ways to Boost Your Immunity
Who has time for getting sick? I know I don’t! Whether it’s just a common cold or something as miserable as the stomach flu, it always seems to come at the most inconvenient times—especially during th …
Lauren Venosta
7 Strategies to Aid Your Digestion on Thanksgiving
Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls—the Thanksgiving table is full of food! Not to mention the pumpkin pie and other desserts. Every family has …
Lauren Venosta
6 Steps to Ease Into a Vegetarian Diet
Transitioning into a new way of eating should be slow and steady. When you make a massive change or go “cold turkey” with something, it’s less likely to last for the long-term. And with any lifestyle …
Lauren Venosta
5 Ways to Stay Energized This Holiday Season
The holidays can be a stressful time for many people. With work parties, family gatherings, Christmas shopping, and baking, it’s easy to get caught up in indulgences. Between the long days and busy we …
Lauren Venosta
3 Warming Soup Recipes to Fend Off Winter Weight Gain
Cold weather, post-holiday hustle, sweet treats, and added stress—sounds like winter! And with all those things it’s easy to put on a few (or more) pounds. In cold weather, your body uses energy to ke …
Lauren Venosta
5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Winter
Winter: the weather is colder, days are shorter, and your body works overtime to keep your system healthy. As seasons change, so do the needs of your body. Think about winter—there is less sunshine, m …
Lauren Venosta
7 Health Food Trends You Should Know About in 2019
A new year means new beginnings. And new beginnings are the start of new trends including in the health food space. The health industry is constantly changing and evolving, which is fantastic because …
Lauren Venosta
8 Vegan Recipes for Your Next Dinner Party
Dinner parties are always fun. But they can come with a lot of stress as well, especially if you’re catering to special diets, like veganism. It’s always good to have an array of different dishes for …
Lauren Venosta
7 Vegan Breakfasts to Jump-Start Your Morning
The alarm rings. You get ready, rush out the door, head toward a drive-through to grab coffee, then crash a couple hours later once the caffeine wears off. Sound familiar? Mornings can get pretty hect …
Lauren Venosta
A Look at 4 Popular Diet Plans: Which Is Best for You?
The word diet doesn’t necessarily mean deprivation. It’s a term that you may hear and instantly associate with drinking detox drinks and eating rice cakes to lose weight. But that’s not the case. A di …
Lauren Venosta
3 Comfort Food Recipes That Are Actually Healthy
Comfort food—everyone craves it from time to time. Especially in the cold weather or when you’re feeling under the weather! But comfort food typically comes with a heavy, bloated feeling afterward sin …
Lauren Venosta
6 Plant-Based Healthy Fats to Include in Your Diet
Low-fat diets are a thing of the past, avocado toast is on everyone’s plate, and coconut oil is being added to coffee. A big change from the low-fat diet trend in the 90s, right? Contrary to the belie …
Lauren Venosta
3 Health Benefits of Raw Honey
There are so many medicinal foods found on the earth, and raw honey is no exception. Not only is it medicinal, but it’s also sweet and delicious. It’s used as a sweetener in tea and desserts, and it g …
Lauren Venosta
9 Healing Foods to Boost Your Immune System
Imagine having an immune system so strong that you can be around those who are sick, but not get their sickness. Wouldn’t that be amazing? You wouldn’t have to miss work or lie in bed all day, but you …
Lauren Venosta
5 Foods That Improve Memory and Focus
What would your life be like if you had a spectacular memory and could remember everything you ever read, heard, or saw? That is not reality. With so many distractions, it’s easy for your mind to wand …
Lauren Venosta
5 Health Benefits of Probiotics
Probiotics is a word that you’ve likely heard—whether your friend at the gym told you about her kombucha drink that has probiotics or you saw an advertisement on TV trying to sell you on a probiotic s …
Lauren Venosta
Mushroom Nutrition: Benefits & Recipes
Are you a fan of mushrooms? Or do they intimidate you? Mushrooms may seem complicated because there are so many different varieties. Some are safe to eat, some are poisonous, some are psychedelic, but …
Lauren Venosta
5 Ways to Incorporate More High-Fiber Foods in Your Diet
Fiber is something you are likely familiar with. Commercials on TV try to sell you dry fiber crackers and chalky powders to make you more regular. If you’re constipated, prune juice always seems to be …
Lauren Venosta
9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
If you’ve ever seen “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” you know that for every ailment the dad says: “Put some Windex on it.” That’s like apple cider vinegar’s role for health. Apple cider vinegar health ben …
Lauren Venosta
Superfood Favorites: 5 Health Benefits of Acai Berries + 5 Recipes
Acai berries are a small purple berry with a powerful punch of flavor and nutrition. Have you tried them before? You’ll commonly see them in pureed preparations like smoothies or acai bowls, but they …
Lauren Venosta
Eat These 5 Fermented Foods to Improve Digestion
Fermented foods are receiving quite a buzz these days. Everything related to gut health is seen more on health and nutrition blogs and found on grocery store shelves. But will fermented foods’ benefit …
Lauren Venosta
Papaya Fruit: 3 Health Benefits and 5 Recipes
Papaya is a sweet, tropical fruit that has so much flavor, but even more health benefits. It’s a unique looking fruit that’s large in size and has an inside full of small round black seeds. When it’s …
Lauren Venosta
4 Non-Dairy Foods That Are High in Calcium
Milk builds strong bones. That’s a phrase that’s been repeated for decades. But what does that statement imply? What it should say is that calcium builds strong bones, because it’s the calcium that ma …
Lauren Venosta
12 Foods to Enhance Brain Functioning
The brain. It’s a complex organ! You would love to have a brain that functions more optimally, right? You may think you’re stuck with the brain you have—and that’s true to a point—but you can optimize …
Lauren Venosta
How Ginger Helps Fight Inflammation
Inflammation. It’s a word that seems to be popping up in the health community more frequently as more awareness comes into this cause of illness and disease. But what is it exactly? And how does it im …
Lauren Venosta
10 Foods That Help Fight Stress
Stress is a word everyone is familiar with and a feeling that everyone experiences. There are different kinds of stress—mental, physical, emotional—but the body responds in the same way no matter what …
Lauren Venosta
8 Incredible Health Benefits of Eating Ginger
Ginger root has a range of health benefits, including improving digestion, blood sugar levels, and harmful cholesterol levels. Here’s a look at eight of ginger’s benefits and five ways for you to incr …
Lauren Venosta
5 Easy Vegan Recipes to Take on the Go
When you think of on-the-go foods, what comes to mind? Is it fast food, packaged snack foods like chips or crackers, or energy bars? There are so many convenience foods in grocery stores, gas stations …
Lauren Venosta
5 Stress-Reducing Herbal Teas
Stress. Just hearing that word can conjure up feelings of anxiety. Life offers many stressors simply during day-to-day events. School, work, health issues, busy schedules, family drama—it seems that t …
Lauren Venosta
Fall Smoothies: 5 Recipes to Shake It Up Using the Season's Best
Depending on where you live on this beautiful earth, fall is the season of new beginnings and the transition between summer and winter. It includes the months of September, October, and November. The …
Lauren Venosta
Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes for the Whole Family
Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around family and food. Everyone joins around a dinner table and eats together in thankfulness. While the most important part about Thanksgiving is gratitude and con …
Lauren Venosta
5 Vegan Desserts Perfect for a Holiday Party
Holiday parties are fun for many reasons, and the food you share is typically one of them—especially the desserts. But often the desserts can be full of butter, milk, and eggs. If you’re hosting a veg …
Lauren Venosta
7 Winter Breakfast Foods That Seem Indulgent But Are Actually Healthy
When you think about breakfast in the winter, what comes to mind? Is it a big stack of pancakes with butter and warm maple syrup? Or maybe large cinnamon rolls with sweet icing on top? Muffins, scones …
Lauren Venosta
10 Time-Saving Tips for Healthy Meal Prep
Meal prep. Do those two words make you think of hours upon hours in the kitchen? Not only time in the kitchen cooking, but also loads of dishes and clean up? Not to mention the time it takes to do the …
Lauren Venosta
Wellness Goals for the New Year: 5 Tips to Help You Succeed
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? And how many of those resolutions are centered around wellness? Goals like lose weight, exercise more, or eat more vegetables? They seem like a good idea but as the …
Lauren Venosta
5 Warming Winter Recipes That Are Nutritious & Delicious
Brrrr, winter is here, and you can feel it in the air. Fall has ended, and the mornings and nights are colder with each passing day. You can bundle up by the fire, wear an extra layer of clothing, or …
Lauren Venosta
10 Real-Food Snacks to Boost Your Energy
Snacking is something most people do every day and oftentimes it’s centered around an event or activity. Going to a movie? Get some goodies. Jumping in the car for a road trip? Pack the snacks. Hungry …
Lauren Venosta
7 Keto-Friendly Recipes for Winter
Have you heard of the ketogenic diet? It’s a diet trend that is similar to the Atkins diet from the 70s. It’s a low-carb, high-fat way of eating. The purpose of eating minimal carbohydrates is to put …
Lauren Venosta
7 Clean-Eating Recipes Perfect for Winter
Winter is a time when indulgent foods are really desirable. Think about it—it’s cold outside, it gets darker earlier, and you’re always bundled up in a coat or a blanket. The last thing you want to do …
Lauren Venosta
7 Vegan Recipes for the Fourth of July
When you think about Fourth of July it’s usually centered around burgers, hot dogs, ribs, chicken, sausages, skewers ... the list goes on. Basically, any meat you can BBQ will be found in many Fourth …
Lauren Venosta