Hello, I'm
Louise Laffey
Guest Speaker
Once a young lawyer and an intuitive spiritual seeker, Louise Laffey, struggled to reconcile what she viewed as two separate lives. As a lawyer she enjoyed many of trappings of the modern world, but always felt like she was compromising herself and her values to meet someone else's agenda. She escaped to South America, where she embarked on the spiritual journey that led her to create the process of fully aligning prosperity with her purpose. For the past nine years, Louise has travelled the world, teaching more than 50,000 people from over 20 countries to identify and clear the unconscious blocks standing in the way of their prosperity, freeing them to consciously create more wealth and abundance in their lives.Louise also owns and manages a private consulting firm, focused on raising conscious awareness within business. She regularly consults to leading Australian and international companies, teaching executive teams how to work with energy to create cultural change and improvements to their companies’ bottom lines.
She holds university degrees in Law and Commerce (Finance) and a Masters of Business Administration.


Personal Growth
How to Trust Your Flow and Own Your Power
The idea of being in flow is meant to conjure up images of feeling calm and relaxed, of being at peace with the world. It’s meant to make you feel good, to feel better, which is why so many people cra …
Louise Laffey
Personal Growth
Reveal Your Purpose and Take Inspired Action
If you were adventurous of spirit and chose to embark on the feel-your-feelings experiment, you’ll know that putting down those old familiar mental identities of thinker and doer is not for the faint- …
Louise Laffey
Personal Growth
Let Your Feelings Lead You to Prosperity
Have you ever watched the movie Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory? Did you love the idea of a special chocolate river flowing through a secret chocolate factory? Or did you love the idea of tast …
Louise Laffey